Identification of Dyestuff From Unknown Dyed Samples


It is necessary to identify what type of dyes are used in a sample before dyeing it. Shades or tones will not match accurately if the dye type doesn’t match. Only chemical tests confirm the type of dye used for dyeing. But for some materials the type of dye is fixed, for example, polyester is almost always dyed with a dispersed dye. So in this case no test is necessary to test the dyed polyester sample. But if we use this logic in the case of polyester-cotton blends then this may give the wrong result. So it is essential to test the material for the identification of the dye.

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  • Test tube 
  • Burner 
  • Pipette
  • Stopwatch
  • Chemicals 
  • Tannin mordant cotton etc.
  • Sample: Dyed fabric sample.

Test: 01 (Direct dye)

Experiment no: 01: Boil with the soap solution and NH4OH solution for 1 minute.

Observation Inference Remarks
Color of the
Sample destroyed
Maybe direct,
Basic and Acid Dyes
Absence of vat, sulfur,
Reactive or naphthol dyes

Experiment no: 02: Boiling the sample with 5% soap solution and 2% soda ash solution for 1 – 2 minutes in the presence of a piece of white (well-scoured/bleached) cotton fabric or yarn.

Observation Inference Remarks
The color bleeds and
white cotton is dyed
Absence of acid
or basic color
Direct dyes are

Result: 01: The dyed sample is dyed with direct dye.

Test: 02 (Acid dye)

Experiment no: 01: Boil with the soap solution and NH4OH solution for 1 minute.

Observation Inference Remarks
Color of the
Sample destroyed
Maybe direct,
Basic and Acid Dyes
Absence of vat, sulfur,
Reactive or naphthol dyes

Experiment no: 02: Boiling the sample with 5% soap solution and 2% soda ash solution for 1 – 2 minutes in the presence of a piece of white (well-scoured/bleached) cotton fabric or yarn.

Observation Inference Remarks
The color bleeds, the dyeing
is partially or totally stripped
and the white Cotton is a little
or not stained and white
Cotton can be rinsed
perfectly clean again in water
Acid or basic color Absence of direct dye

Experiment no: 03: The sample is warmed (up to 60) with methylated spirit and a few drops of acetic acid and then it is diluted with water wormed with a piece of tannin mordanted cotton and a piece of cotton.

Observation Inference Remarks
Tannin mordanted cotton is
not dyed, white cotton may
be dyed may not be dyed
Absence of basic color It may be the presence of acid dye

Experiment no: 04: The sample is boiled with a 5% soap solution and is acidified with a few drops of acetic acid and boiled with a piece of wool or silk fabric.

Observation Inference Remarks
Colour is transferred to
White wool/silk fabric/fiber
but it's not like that in direct dye
Absence of basic dye Acid dye is confirmed

Result: 02: The dyed sample is found to be dyed with acid dye.

Test: 03 (Basic dye)

Experiment no: 01: Boil with the soap solution and NH4OH solution for 1 minute.

Observation Inference Remarks
The color of the sample was destroyed May be direct, basic, or acid dyes Absence of vat, sulphur,
Reactive or naphthol dyes

Experiment no: 02: Boiling the sample with 5% soap solution and 2% soda ash solution for 1 – 2 minutes in the presence of a piece of white (well-scoured/bleached) cotton fabric or yarn.

Observation Inference Remarks
The color bleeds, the dyeing
is partially or totally stripped
and the white cotton is a little
or not stained and white
Cotton can be rinsed
perfectly clean again in water
Acid or basic color Absence of direct dye

Experiment no: 03: The sample is warmed (up to 60℃) with methylated spirit and a few drops of acetic acid and then it is diluted with water wormed with a piece of tannin mordanted cotton and a piece of cotton.

Observation Inference Remarks
Tannin mordanted cotton is dyed Absence of acid dye The basic dye is confirmed

Result: 03: The dyed sample is found to be dyed with basic dye.

Test: 04 (VAT, indigo dye)

Experiment no: 01: Boil with the soap solution and NH4OH solution for 1 minute.

Observation Inference Remarks
No change Maybe vat, sulphur,
Reactive or naphthol dyes
The absence of direct, basic
and acid dye

Experiment no: 02: The sample is boiled with 5% NaOH solution and a pinch of hydrose.

Observation Inference Remarks
Colour is destroyed and reappears
on washing or airing. But in this case
color is not totally destroyed
Absence of reactive or naphthol Maybe VAT or
sulfur dye present

Experiment No: 03: The sample is boiled in a test tube with SnCl2 10% solution and a few drops of HCl. The mouth of the test tube is covered with blotting paper moistened with 1 – 2 drops of Pb- Acetate solution.

Observation Inference Remarks
Black spot on Pb –
acetate paper not found
Absence of sulfur dye VAT dye may be present

Experiment No: 04: The sample is warmed with chloroform or benzene in a dry test tube.

Observation Inference Remarks
Colored solution Absence of vat anthraquinone Presence of vat indigo

Result: 04: The dyed sample was found to be dyed with VAT (indigo) dye.

Test: 05 (VAT, anthraquinone dye)

Experiment no: 01: Boil with the soap solution and NH4OH solution for 1 minute.

Observation Inference Remarks
No change Maybe vat, sulphur,
Reactive or naphthol dyes
Absence of direct,
Basic and Acid Dyes

Experiment no: 02: The sample is boiled with 5% NaOH solution and a pinch of hydrose.

Observation Inference Remarks
Colour is destroyed and reappears
on washing or airing. But in this case
color is not totally destroyed
Absence of reactive or naphthol Maybe VAT or
sulfur dye present

Experiment No: 03: The sample is boiled in a test tube with SnCl2 10% solution and a few drops of HCl. The mouth of the test tube is covered with blotting paper moistened with 1 – 2 drops of Pb- Acetate solution.

Observation Inference Remarks
Black spot on Pb – acetate
Paper not found
Absence of sulfur dye VAT dye may be present

Experiment No: 04: The sample is warmed with chloroform or benzene in a dry test tube.

Observation Inference Remarks
No colored solution Absence of vat indigo Presence of vat anthraquinone

Result: 05: The dyed sample was found to be dyed with VAT (anthraquinone) dye.

Test: 06 (Sulphur dye)

Experiment no: 01: Boil with the soap solution and NH4OH solution for 1 minute.

Observation Inference Remarks
No change Maybe vat, sulphur,
Reactive or naphthol dyes
Absence of direct,
Basic and Acid Dyes

Experiment no: 02: The sample is boiled with 5% NaOH solution and a pinch of hydrose.

Observation Inference Remarks
Colour is destroyed and reappears
on washing or airing. But in this case
color is not totally destroyed
Absence of reactive or naphthol Maybe VAT or
sulfur dye present

Experiment No: 03: The sample is boiled in a test tube with SnCl2 10% solution and a few drops of HCl. The mouth of the test tube is covered with blotting paper moistened with 1 – 2 drops of Pb- Acetate solution.

Observation Inference Remarks
Black spots on Pb – acetate paper Absence of vat dye Presence of sulfur
dye is confirmed

Result: 06: The dyed sample was found to be dyed with sulfur dye.

Test: 07 (Naphthol dye)

Experiment no: 01: Boil with the soap solution and NH4OH solution for 1 minute.

Observation Inference Remarks
No change Maybe vat, sulphur,
Reactive or naphthol dyes
Absence of direct,
Basic and Acid Dyes

Experiment no: 02: The sample is boiled with 5% NaOH solution and a pinch of hydrose.

Observation Inference Remarks
The Colour was destroyed and did not
come back to washing and airing.
Absence of VAT and sulfur

Absence of VAT and sulfur

Colour remains unchanged Absence of VAT and sulfur May be reactive or naphthol dyes
present. Or maybe the Azo content
dyestuffs restricted in Europe

Experiment no: 03: The sample is dissolved in cold concentrated H2SOand then diluted with water.

Observation Inference Remarks
Pink coloration Absence of reactive dye Naphthol may be present

Experiment No: 04: The sample is warmed in a dry test tube with chloroform or benzene.

Observation Inference Remarks
Pink coloration Absence of reactive dye Naphthol may be present

Experiment No: 05: The sample is treated with cold concentrated H2SOand diluted with water carefully sliding it into the test tube.

Observation Inference Remarks
Ring formation between the junctions
of a layer of water and H2SO4
Absence of reactive dye Naphthol present confirm

Result: 07: The dyed sample was found to be dyed with naphthol dye.

Test: 08 (Reactive dye)

Experiment no: 01: Boil with the soap solution and NH4OH solution for 1 minute. 

Observation Inference Remarks
No change Maybe vat, sulfur,
Reactive or naphthol dyes
Absence of direct,
Basic and Acid Dyes

Experiment no: 02: The sample is boiled with 5% NaOH solution and a pinch of hydrose.

Observation Inference Remarks
The Colour was destroyed and did not
come back to washing and airing.
Absence of VAT and sulfur May be reactive or naphthol dyes
present. Or maybe the Azo content
dyestuffs restricted in Europe
Colour remains unchanged Absence of VAT and sulfur May be reactive or naphthol dyes
present. Or maybe the Azo content
dyestuffs restricted in Europe

Experiment No: 03: The sample is dissolved in cold concentrated H2SO4 and then diluted with water.

Observation Inference Remarks
No pink color Absence of naphthol color Reactive dyes may present

Experiment No: 04: The sample is warmed in a dry test tube with chloroform or benzene.

Observation Inference Remarks
No colored solution Absence of naphthol color Reactive dyes may present

Experiment No: 05: The sample is treated with cold concentrated H2SO4 and diluted with water carefully sliding it into the test tube.

Observation Inference Remarks
No Ring Formation Absence of naphthol color

Reactive dye present confirm

Result: 08: The dyed sample was found to be dyed with reactive dye.


Studied In Textile Engineering. Likes writing and reading articles on the internet. Likes to take on new challenges and is interested in learning new machinery items.facebooklinkedin

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