Enzyme Treatment on Cotton Fabric


Enzymes are complex organic, soluble biocatalysts formed by living organisms that catalyze chemical reactions in biological processes. After scouring and bleaching, the cellulose goods are treated with acetic acid for neutralization, and then the fabric is treated with a suitable enzyme for polishing the fabric surface by removing short and immature fiber from the surface. This bio-polishing process improves the outlook of the fabric by removing superficial and microfibers. This process can be applied before or after a dying operation.

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Chemicals / ParametersRequired Amount
Enzymes4 g/L
Acetic acid1 g/L
Wetting agent1 g/L
M: L1: 10
Temperature ✕ Time55℃ ✕ 50 minutes
Sample weight10 gm
Enzyme Killing
Temp ✕ Time80℃ ✕ 10 minutes

Functions of the Chemicals Required

Wetting agent: It accelerates the wettability of material in solution, thus helping the easy penetration of chemicals into the substrate. It reduces the surface tension of water to allow it to spread as drops on a surface, increasing the spreading abilities of a liquid.

Acetic acid: Its function is to control pH in the process.

Enzymes: Enzymes are complex organic solution biocatalysts, formed by living organisms, that catalyze chemical reactions in biological processes. These enzymes hydrolyze and reduce the molecular weight of amylose and amylopectin molecules in starch.

Recipe Calculation

Here, M: L = 1: 10 
Sample weight: 10 gm

Total liquor = 10 ✕ 10 = 100 ml

Chemicals = (g/L  Total liquor) / 1000

Enzyme = (4 ✕ 100) / 1000 =0.4 ml
Acetic acid = (1 ✕ 100) / 1000 = 0.1 ml
Wetting agent = (1 ✕ 100) / 1000 = 0.1 ml
Total chemicals: (0.4 + 0.1 + 0.1) = 0.6 ml

Freshwater = (100- 0.6) = 99.4 ml

Sample of Enzyme Treated Fabric

Enzyme Treated Cotton Sample
Enzyme Treated Cotton Sample


Enzyme Treatment Curve of Cotton
Enzyme Treatment Curve of Cotton


Enzyme treatment is done on the surface of the fabric within the recommended condition. Temperature, time, and pH are very important parameters in this process. These parameters should be strictly followed, otherwise, enzymes will be killed before treatment.


Studied In Textile Engineering. Likes writing and reading articles on the internet. Likes to take on new challenges and is interested in learning new machinery items.facebooklinkedin

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