Color Fastness Due to Rubbing


Rubbing fastness is the ability to sustain the original color of the dyed fabric when rubbing. Dry rubbing color fastness is the condition when fading and staining of dyed fabric occurs after rubbing with a standard white cloth. In wet rubbing color fastness, the standard white cloth contains water 95% to 105%. Here it is measured by the degree of staining of white cloth. After the test, the white cloth is compared with the standard sample for measuring staining fastness.

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  • To know about color fastness due to rub.
  • To know about the importance of the colorfastness test for textile materials.
  • To know about the function of the crock meter.
  • To know about the greyscale.


  • Crock meter
  • Crocking cloth
  • Scissor
  • Greyscale
  • Stopwatch etc.

Working Principle

Dry rubbing color fastness refers to the situation of fading and staining of dyed fabric when rubbed with a standard white cloth. Wet rubbing color fastness refers to the situation of fading and staining of dyed fabric in which water content is 95% to 105%. The evaluation of rubbing color fastness depends on the degree of staining of the white cloth. It divides the degree into 5 grades and 10 tiles on a greyscale.

Machine Description

Crock Meter
Crock Meter

The crock meter consists of a metallic base. On one side of the base, an emery surface and pinned specimen holder are placed, on another side of the base a connecting rod is placed and a rod holding the operating handle finger and a spring clip are used over the cloth. The crocking cloth is scoured and bleached white cotton fabric.

Working Procedure

Dry Crocking Test

  1. First, collect and cut the sample to the dimension of (13cm ✕ 5cm).
  2. Then lock the test specimen into the base of the crock meter which is placed on an emery surface and pinned with the specimen holder.
  3. Then the crocking cloth (5 ✕ 5) cm is attached with the finger by a spring clip.
  4. Then give ten cycles, the rate in 1 cycle per second.
  5. Then remove the sample and crocking cloth and check with greyscale.

Wet Crocking Test

  1. At first, wetted the crocking cloth with distilled water.
  2. Then it is squeezed to remove excess water.
  3. Then carry out the whole process as a dry test.


Greyscale no 1: Change in shade
Greyscale no 2: Staining.
Grey Scales


In this stage compare the contrast between the treated and untreated white rubbing cloth and sample with greyscale and rate 1 to 5.
Rubbing Tested Fabric Samples
Rubbing Tested Fabric Samples


The degree of colorfastness:

Greyscale of staining scale: Dry condition 5, Wet condition 5.
Greyscale of changing scale: Dry condition 4-5, Wet condition 3-5.


From this experiment, we learned about the testing of colorfastness due to rubbing. It indicates some properties of wash fastness too. The fastness property of fabric should be checked before large production.


Studied In Textile Engineering. Likes writing and reading articles on the internet. Likes to take on new challenges and is interested in learning new machinery items.facebooklinkedin

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